Brecon Commanders Model Kit

Brecon Commanders Model Kit


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SKU: 11006244 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , ,


This Model Kit was designed and produced by a BRECON TRAINED INSTRUCTOR to be all you need for the field.


The orders Cards are plastic NOT waterproofed paper and come in duplicated to ensure that you have the right cards for your model in GENERAL and your model in DETAIL.

The Brecon Commanders Model Kit also includes:

  • 5 different colours of LARGE RIBBON, these again in duplicate for both your models.
  • 4 Blocks of coloured chalk to shave for powder to mark roads and streams
  • 2 waterproof bags
  • 10 markers for Northings and Eastings
  • 2 sets of orders cards
  • Plastic waterproof container


So what you are getting here is more than enough kit for 2 models and case and point is the kit I took to SCBC which saw me the whole way through and I still use it to this day, though I have had to buy more chalk!


If you’re heading for a promotional course be it FTCC, SCBC, Seniors, PCD, Snipers or even RECCE, this is the field proven kit.


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